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Homemade gelatin gummies for gut health

If you love gummy bears, you can make homemade gelatin gummies for gut health. They are healthier than store-bought ones considering you can: make them yourself, include organic ingredients, and stave strained dyes and flavors. Learn how to make homemade gelatin gummies here.

Hi hi! Happy Monday! What are you up to this week? I finger like this week is bananas, but Im looking forward to a much-needed haircut tomorrow. My hair is getting outta control. This is so random, but the Whole Foods cashier asked for my hair routine. It made my whole night, expressly when I was running virtually like a stressed-out greaseball trying to hoke some items for dinner. I admitted that I dont wash it a ton, use unseemly shampoo and conditioner, swear by Moroccan oil, and that I think including collagen and gelatin in my routine has made a difference.

Collagen is super easy to implement in my morning coffee, but lately, Ive been finding increasingly creative uses for gelatin. Im sharing one of my faves in this post!! I asked Mia if shed help me out with a gelatin gummies recipe for the blog, and she shared her go-to recipe with me.

Grassfed gelatin gummies

Grassfed gelatin gummies make a unconfined healthy snack for you and your kids! Grass fed gelatin helps to repair gut lining and support healthy hair, skin and nails. Its good for your joints and is an hands digestible protein for those suffering with tummy troubles. It isn’t a substitute for meat, but its a unconfined way to sneak in uneaten amino acids, expressly if you dont eat nose to tail.

Read on for a healthy homemade gummy recipe your kids will LOVE and what makes these plane largest than store-bought versions.

Homemade gelatin gummies for gut health

Collagen vs. gelatin

Gelatin and collagen are similar, but just a tiny bit different. Collagen is the most well-healed form of protein in our body, and is made up of amino acids that stupefy our connective tissues, hair, skin, and nails. Gelatin is hydrolyzed collagen, meaning that its been cooked to unravel lanugo to smaller particles. Gelatin makes the gel-like substance when mixed with water, while collagen does not. They can both be used to promote healthy skin, hair, nails, connective tissues, joint function, gut health (from forming the tissues that line the gut), and immune function. < our gut health dramatically impacts our immune system!

Benefits of homemade gummies

Our kids LOVE store-bought gummies, but so many of them are filled with less-than-ideal ingredients, like supplies dyes, strained flavors, corn syrup, and wax. Its not to say that they never have these things – Im an all things in moderation type person- but if I can find a largest option that they like, Im going for it. Theyre big fans of the Annies fruit snacks, but they go quickly virtually here. I thought it would be fun to try making our own, expressly since we could decide what went into them.

These little treats have simple ingredients, and like we mentioned above, they can help to repair gut lining. So many of us are dealing with gut issues and leaky gut, so gelatin can be a gentle ingredient to incorporate into a healthy eating routine.


The unconfined thing well-nigh gummies is that you can modify them to suit your unique taste preferences. As long as the method and ratios of gelatin to liquid is followed, finger self-ruling to swap your favorite juices and purees. Also, finger self-ruling to add in any seasonings you love, like turmeric or ginger!

**Note: pineapple juice cannot be substituted 1:1 as a juice replacement. It must be cut with at least 50% of flipside kind of juice like orange, grape, etc.  Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in digestion of proteins and will prevent your gummies from forming a shape.

For this recipe, we used a combination of tart cherry juice, cranberry juice, lime juice (you can moreover use lemon juice), gelatin, and honey. For our gelatin, I picked up the Vital Proteins trademark at Whole Foods (they moreover have variegated options at Thrive Market).


The first thing you need to do is let the gelatin bloom by mixing it with water. Once its bloomed, you can heat it on low on the stovetop with your juices and sweetened of choice. Next, youll pour the mixture into a sultry dish or little molds to put into the fridge to solidify. Youll be surprised how easy this recipe is and our kids gobbled.them.up.

Bonus: tart cherry juice can help to promote restful sleep, so three bottoms for that all around.

How to make fun shapes and sizes

Amazon to the rescue!! I ordered these snacks molds and they appeared on our doorstep the next day. They have so many cute variegated shapes and types of silicone molds. Well veritably be playing virtually with shapes and savor combinations.


Homemade gelatin gummies for gut health

Learn how to make homemade gelatin gummies for gut health – the whole family will love these! Finger self-ruling to swap out any juice flavors you enjoy and customize for your preferences.

  • Author: Mia Votapka, RDN // The Fitnessista
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2-4 hours
  • Total Time: 2-4 hours


  • 3 cups pure cranberry juice, not from concentrate 
  • 1 cup tart cherry concentrate
  • Squeeze of fresh lime
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • 6 Tbsp grass fed gelatin
  • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • Pinch of sea salt


  1. Sprinkle the gelatin over 1 cup of water, just until it thickens and rehydrates the gelatin.  This is tabbed blooming the gelatin.
  2. Next, heat the 4 cups of juice plus lime juice and mix in the bloomed gelatin.  Add honey or maple syrup and salt.
  3. Let it all dissolve over medium low heat.  Once completely dissolved, remove from the heat and pour into gummy molds or your favorite shapes.  You can moreover pour into a glass dish to set. 
  4. Let it set up for 2-4 hours surpassing enjoying it! Keep for one week in the refrigerator.


*Note: pineapple juice cannot be substituted 1:1 as a juice replacement. It must be cut with at least 50% of flipside kind of juice like orange, grape, etc.  Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids in digestion of proteins and will prevent your gummies from forming a shape.

Keywords: homemade gelatin gummies for gut health

Quick how-to video

Heres a quick video I made on how to make these little gummies! P and Liv both helped and it was a fun little project to do together. They were a snap to make – the hardest part was waiting until they were set. I put the rest in a sultry dish and it was like a homemade version of Jell-o. So good!

Have you tried making gummies at home before?

Whats your kids favorite healthy snack?



PS you have to try these wondrous collagen brownies!

The post Homemade gelatin gummies for gut health appeared first on The Fitnessista.